Boomtown Fair


Produced by:  Boomtown Fair 


Imagine if Coachella or Glastonbury joined forces with a circus, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and Disneyland’s Epcot Centre. That’s what you get in Boomtown Fair, a something-for-everyone music festival featuring side shows and an interactive storytelling element involving “neighborhoods” allowing the visitor to travel through different regions and eras.

Megan Clifton, Head of Narrative Design at Boomtown, said: “Boomtown is known for satirically mimicking the society we live in, and too often our dystopian visions have come closer to reality than we ever imagined possible. [This year’s theme] The Twin Trail represents the two paths we all have to walk in our lives; the inner and the outer path. Without addressing our inner world, learning and accepting every part of ourselves – even the darker parts – how can we address the darker parts of society? “We know that we have an opportunity to use the fun, interactive and immersive experiences we offer to enable actual shifting of mindsets, real-world change, and for people to take something that they learnt at Boomtown home with them.”

Platform: Live event, held at the Winchester Estate, approximately 1 hour outside London.