

Produced by: Revolution Stage Company

Written by: Tim Mulligan

Directed by: Richard Blake


Isaac Gaeta-Tollette

Katrina Dixon

Christopher Lopez

Sarah Woolsey

Tiffany Johnson

Brent Anderson



The story of Witchland is based on the author’s experiences growing up in Richland, a small town in Eastern Washington – deemed ‘the most toxic place in the Western Hemisphere.’ It tells the story of a family who moves to a town plagued by decades of misfortune. Is the terror they are shrouded indue to the nuclear reactor that the town revolves around – or is it something more sinister? And what about that mysterious elderly woman who lives across the street, alone in her run-down government home, piles of sticks and all – is she actually a witch, or just another victim of … WITCHLAND?

Duration: 2 hours

Platform: IRL (Tickets at www.revolutionstagecompany.com)

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